If not addressed right away, excess water in your home can bring about other side effects that can be more costly to repair. Clogs can cause water to seep into your floors and walls, causing water damage, molds, and even electrical problems. You and your family may be inconvenienced by a foul smell, and this may pose additional health risks as well.
The Top Culprits behind Clogged Drains
After a bout of heavy rains, you may notice water accumulating in your driveway or garden. Perhaps your outdoor drainage has become clogged with dead leaves and dirt. It may be possible that plants or tree roots have grown over it, preventing water from passing through.
Likewise, indoor drains can be afflicted with a host of problems that are a bit trickier to tackle. Kitchen sinks often have a buildup of leftover food and grease, making it difficult for water to effectively drain off. In the bathroom, the sink can overflow because of hair or products like soap and toothpaste clogging the drain.
Another major inconvenience is a clogged toilet, and its drainage system can be affected due to excessive paper products or debris getting flushed down. In fact, a national news agency once reported in 2016 about the massive sewerage problems caused by flushable sanitary wipes. These supposedly dissolvable paper products actually create problems for wastewater facilities, clogging pumps and garnering total damages of up to $250 million per year.
Chemical Drain Cleaners: Yay or Nay?
Although they seem like a simple one-pour answer, chemical-based drain cleaners may not always be the best solution for getting rid of clogs. Most of these cleaners operate via enzymatic action, breaking down particles like food and hair to dissolve them into the water.
Some of these chemical reactions emit heat as a result, and these can actually cause damage to metal surfaces and porcelain fixtures. The heat they generate may melt PVC pipes and fixtures. Plus, they can be skin irritants and harmful when inhaled.
Time Is of the Essence
As soon as you detect any problems with your indoor and outdoor drains, don’t hesitate to get help. For major plumbing concerns, it’s not recommended for homeowners to disassemble the pipes or open up drains themselves. Some of these systems require specialized tools and expertise to truly target the problem and prevent any further damage. If you need immediate services in eliminating pesky clogs, turn to drain cleaning experts.