Summer brings its own set of plumbing challenges, and sweating pipes is no exception. At times, dripping pipes can leave us helpless since there’s nothing we can do about it. Other times, people ignore the problem altogether. Ignoring this problem can end up in a big disaster! 

Let out experts at Capital Plumbing and Heating Edmonton fix the issue, as sweating pipes can have damaging effects in the long term.

Why does Plumbing Sweat in Summer?

When warm and humid air comes in contact with cold pipes, the process of condensation occurs, just like a foggy mirror. Water vapors convert to droplets when they meet with cool surfaces. 

Summer contains high humidity, which leads to high water vapors, which in turn make your pipes and fixtures wet to the extent of dripping. Therefore, you aren’t the only one who sweats the pipes and toilet tanks too.

Sweating Pipes have Damaging Effects

Just a few drops of water do not create havoc. However, when the sun delivers melting heat, your pipes start sweating to their fullest, creating a puddle on your floor. This causes structural damage to your tiles as well as in cabinets. Even worse, too much moisture in enclosed areas, such as under a sink, will create a friendly atmosphere for molds and mildew growth.

How to Avoid Sweating Pipes?

Here are a few ways to get rid of sweating plumbing. However, if the problem isn’t solved, get help from Plumbing Edmonton to fix the problem.

Use Insulated Pipes

Using an insulating pipe will create a strong barrier to prevent humid air from reaching the cold water in the first place.

Increase Water Temperature

Though using hot water in blazing heat makes no sense, increasing the water temperature to just a few degrees will do much to prevent condensation.

Use Dehumidifier

In high-humidity regions, use a whole-house humidifier to remove humidity and its associated condensation effects.

Increase Ventilation

Install an exhaust fan in your bathroom to prevent dew formation during the shower. You can also consider using an Electric Recovery Ventilator (ERV) in your home to bring in fresh air.

Take Away

If sweating plumbing persists, it leads to damaging effects, so contact Capital Plumbing Edmonton today to eliminate this big nuisance.