Most families relied heavily on their furnaces this past winter to provide them with much-needed warmth from the frigid cold temperatures. In fact, there’s a chance that your home’s heaters have been working overtime to keep everyone inside your home comfortable.

Now that winter is almost on its way out, giving way to spring, it’s time for your furnace to have its well-deserved break and you can even start preparing it for the next time it needs to be used. Here are some Edmonton heating tips for you to heed:


capital heating

Cleaning and Changing Furnace Filters

Sadly, not everyone replaces their AC furnace filters at least every three months, as recommended by experts. Remember that a dirty filter hinders airflow, which then makes your furnace work harder, taking up more energy. Simply cleaning or replacing your furnace filters can make a difference in your energy bill; in fact, it can reduce your bills by as much as 15 percent.

Listen Carefully and Look Closely

Check for early signs of trouble on your furnace that require the help of heating experts. Tackling heating problems now instead of later can save you a lot of money and time, so it’s best to check for strange noises coming from your unit or see if there are frequent on-and-off cycling or early signs of leaks and rust.


Aside from efficient heaters, investing in or improving your home’s insulation can help in keeping it warm during the cold months (and cool during the warm months that will follow). The cold weather might have hindered you from installing or improving your home’s insulation, so it’s best to do it before the summer season starts.

Replacing Your Furnace

If you notice that your home’s furnace spends more time being repaired than heating your home efficiently, then it’s high time to replace it. When looking for a new furnace for your home, you can seek expert advice from pros. Experts typically know what type and size of a furnace will work best for your home. A furnace must neither be too large nor too small for a certain area.

Also keep in mind that the priciest furnace is not always the best, or the most affordable furnace, the most practical choice. There are always the annual operating costs to think about, thus it’s best to opt for one that can help you save on your bills in the long run. You shouldn’t also attempt to install a new furnace by yourself and ask help from Edmonton or Spruce Grove heating service companies like Capital Plumbing & Heating Ltd.