As certified plumbing providers, you can be sure that you will receive top quality and reliable services on time and within your budget.
Our team of expert local plumbers are dedicated to proving that we are NUTS about our customers. We are ready to answer any questions to make sure you have peace of mind about our plumbing and heating services.
We are transparent about pricing and expectations, with no hidden fees and costs. Payment options are discussed in advance ensuring convenience. We offer hassle-free financing for unexpected plumbing Spruce Grove problems to fit your budget.
We are here to tackle any job – no matter how big or small. While some plumbers in Spruce Grove may turn you away for small jobs, we are always here to help resolve all your issues. We put the needs of the customer first, every time.
No job is too big or small! At Capital Plumbing, we will help you no matter the size of the job.
Our plumbers will provide you with options and investment levels BEFORE we begin your plumbing work to make sure you have peace of mind while we are helping you. You will know upfront what to expect using our customer-approved straight forward pricing guide.
Our mission is to deliver the best experience we can for our clients, provide a rewarding and goal-achieving career for Capital Spruce Grove plumbers, and to continue to be exciting and innovative.
In 2019, I was fortunate to be able to purchase Capital Plumbing & Heating after being the GM for 10+ years. I wanted to be able to retain the awesome staff and continue to serve the best customers while being known as a company that specializes in fantastic customer service; a company that can help and solve problems with plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and maintenance of your home.
Some of the best advice I was ever given was to care about people and that has become my personal philosophy that I bring to every aspect of Capital Plumbing & Heating. I love being able to help everyone who works at Capital reach their goals as well. We work hard to create an environment that recognizes achievement, family, personal goals, and the accomplishments of our team and their families. When our employees are happy our clients are happy and, of course, the company benefits. Truly a WIN, WIN, WIN.
This philosophy extends beyond our Capital family. We are supporters of Valour Place, Basically Babies, Parkland Food Bank, SPCA/Humane Society, Kinette Club of Spruce Grove Christmas Hampers, and for the first time beginning in 2023, we have created three scholarships for students graduating high school through the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) in our area. We will expand these scholarships annually to assist young men and women in entering the trades and can’t wait to provide apprenticeship opportunities when available.
Helping people and developing relationships is really what our business is all about. We truly are NUTS about our customers and CRAZY about our employees.