The compressor is the heart of the heating system, a component that resembles a piston engine. It is responsible for placing the refrigerant under high pressure by compressing it and turning it into a high-pressure gas. When the compressor burns in a heat pump, it threatens the entire operation of the unit.

If you are in Alberta, Canada, and suspect your heating system’s compressor has gone bad, contact an Edmonton heating system expert such as those from Capital Plumbing & Heating, immediately for a professional repair.

Unit Components
Understand that Spruce Grove heating systems consist of various components that work together to a desired comfort level in a home or office. When well-maintained, the system should last for at least 15 years. When routine maintenance is not followed, the life of the system can be dramatically reduced. The refrigeration system consists of the compressor, the outdoor coil, the metering device, the indoor coil, and a line set.

The most fundamental component is the compressor because it pumps the refrigerant through the lines and the coil. Inside the compressor are the pump, rotor, and stator with connected leads to the terminal. With a direct short to the ground of the windings, it is easy to observe a failed compressor. However, exhaustive investigations are required to ascertain the cause of failure.

First, understand the compressor has mechanical and electrical parts that fail. If a mechanical failure occurs; it could lead to an electrical failure that is not a result of an induced power surge. The amount of charge, for example, could result in wear in the compressor. If the refrigerant is too much, the liquid refrigerant could get into the compressor and cause mechanical damage. Should there be restriction lines in the refrigerant, compressor burnout will occur.

If the copper lines that seat between the evaporator coil and the condenser are damaged, the refrigerant flow will be restricted. Once the restriction occurs, an imbalance that causes the heat pump to work harder arises. As a result, a burnout of the compressor eventually takes place. Also, if someone steps on the copper lines running to the evaporator coil, the refrigerant line could be damaged.

High Superheat

High superheat could result from a faulty metering device or a restriction in the refrigerant piping. Hot water piping loops could also cause it. The problem could also be emanating from a dirty or clogged air filter. More so, a bad capacitor can lead to compressor problems.